Saturday, April 30, 2016


The Old Rusty Nail


Russell Burton, an Old Person

Last night I watched the CBS ‘60 Minutes’ show and enjoyed the segment on 90+ Aging.  A scientist found an old study conducted in 1980 concerning several thousand 60-year-old subjects.  She got a grant from NIH to study the survivors now when they are in their 90's. 

Her findings were very interesting and controversial for sure as many of the things she found were opposite of what we have been taught.  Not surprising the killer was smoking for none of those interviewed were now smoking.  I assume that many of the survivors sometimes in their lives had smoked.  This was not mentioned but apparently, all of those who were smokers in 1980 were now dead.

I was a heavy smoker beginning in my late teens when I joined a fraternity house in 1951.  Back then distributors of brands of cigarettes would come by the house and give each of us a free pack.  I think ‘Lucky Strikes’ and ‘Camels’ were the most common brands.  That was before filtered cigarettes made the scene.

Of course the idea was to get you into the habit, one which is easy to start and very difficult to break.  I got hooked but then the health risks were not known and cigarettes cost about 18 cents a pack.  Even that cheap I would bum smokes from friends for on many occasions I could not afford a pack. I guess today a pack costs over $5 and people still smoke cigarettes and the health risks are well known. For fun I calculated that it would be costing me today smoking three packs a day for a year - about $5500!  Of course the real answer would be zero for I would be dead.

I continued to smoke cigarettes, cigars, and even a pipe until I was in my mid thirties when I quit cold turkey.  Then I was smoking three packs a day with a cigar tossed in and perhaps a pipe bowl of tobacco.  After dinner in the evening I would smoke a pack of cigarettes before I went to bed.  When I quite I was a graduate student and animal pathologist at the University of California at Davis.  I remain friendly with a fellow graduate student who frequently remarks that back then I was smoking all three forms of tobacco at the same time!  Oh my…

When I quit for good it was a horrible struggle.  I had quit several times before once for as long as six months, but I went back to them.  When I had quite before it was not that difficult but when I quit the last time it was extremely painful.  I write painful because mentally it was with great anguish.  I told my boss that I was doing nothing except sitting at my desk staring at the wall.  He was a terrific guy and had been a smoker himself so he understood the nightmare I was going through.  After three long months I had finally beat the habit!

Today there are aids available to help a smoker kick the habit.  You know, like nicotine patches and other things.  I guess they help but all that does is make quitting less painful so the penalties of starting to smoke again are less.

Now the thought of having just one cigarette is not without a mixture of fear, disgust, and relief that I have beat the habit. I have friends who have quit and still can have an occasional cigarette but not me for sure. Of course I am so pleased that I did quit for I have friends who continued to smoke who have died or are suffering the ill health consequences of the habit.  They will never live to be 90.

During the show I compared my habits and health markers with those discussed on the show.  And, I was very pleased that I am right on target to make the nineties and I think with reasonably good health.  So, I went to bed with a smile on my face assuring myself that I have a decade more to enjoy life.  Well, that is silly but I think the odds are in my favor.

What was interesting to me were some of the facts of having long life ran counter to what I and I am sure many of you readers were led to believe.  In fact being over weight, drinking a reasonable amount of alcohol on a daily basis, and above average blood pressures all were beneficial!  Not only were they helpful in living a long healthy life but the opposite was true for those who were thin, did not drink alcohol and had low blood pressure.  Amazing…

Well the above information fit my lifestyle perfectly except for the overweight.  I am not underweight but I guess that small difference will not kill me.  Now what is a reasonable amount of alcohol can be debated.  A couple of drinks of wine were mentioned and it did not have to be red wine.  In fact, the beneficial ingredient here was simply alcohol.  And, I think I detected from her that more than two drinks each day might even work better.

My geriatric physician considers a systolic blood pressure of 160 and a diastolic of 90 as acceptable.  I just took mine and it is 159 over 77.  A lower diastolic is better than a lower systolic for it allows the heart to rest some between heart beats.  My former family physician had my systolic below 120!

Another finding which was also some what surprising was the numerous different kinds of vitamin and mineral supplements were not beneficial.  From that information I will assume that taking these supplements were not of any benefit at all.

Of course, the real benefit regarding life style was exercise.  Even a simple walk for a few minutes each day was helpful.  I was not surprised about the benefits of exercise.  Still, I wish she had been more exact about the benefits regarding the types and amounts of exercise, but I assume that that information could not be obtained in the study.   It was mentioned that only 15 minutes each day of some form of mild exercise extended one’s life.

Being active socially was a big plus not to be a surprise and romance was still something to pursue. That reminded me of when I was a young man in my twenties I had a party at my house.  One guest was a woman in her late 80s.  Her grandson asked her when she stopped thinking about sex.  She said with a smile on her face, “You have to ask someone older than me.”

Dementia was discussed at length which was not surprising for mental health is a major concern for us old people.  People are not good at much of anything except for their fantastic brain and the tremendous thought processes which it generates. Certainly old age dementia is a complex issue but with some light at the end of the tunnel regarding a better understanding and future treatments.  Still, it is a terrible malady.

I wish they had gone into more detail on what they found regarding helpful habits to prevent its occurrence.  You know, keeping the mind active with such activities as reading, Sudoku, and crossword puzzles.  I guess my mind is still working okay as I remembered all of this stuff from the show last night.

I know I was blown away with the results of this study as are some of my chums with whom I have discussed it.  But, as I think about these ‘strange findings’ I am convinced that old age is a different stage of life.  So, why shouldn’t the health indicators also be different?  As, I have written many times before I knew when I entered my last stage of life, you know when I recognized I was old obviously something inside of me had changed.  

So now I’m better off with higher blood pressure, being a little fat, and having a few drinks in the evening.  You know I might get to like this being old stuff.


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