Tuesday, January 31, 2017


The Old Rusty Nail

Russell Burton, an Old Person

Unfortunately for me, change has become the norm in most everything I do and I don’t like it!  The other day I clicked on my Yahoo web site courtesy of att.net and the format had changed.  Then I checked my email and that had changed. And, as I was writing this essay, I clicked on my monthly bank e-statement and it is much different than last month’s e-statement. Give me a break.

I have a hard enough time just doing the basics with this e-stuff and then to have it changed on me several times a year is very frustrating and it makes me angry.  I remember when change was something which happened only once in a while, like once every few years.  That frequency of change I could handle for it made me feel like I was being kept up to date – you know becoming more ‘modern’.

I guess my hatred of change is supported by the adage ‘Can’t teach old dogs new tricks’.  Certainly, I am an old dog alright still I can learn new tricks but having to learn them every few weeks is ridiculous.   I can imagine some geeks sitting around in a rubber room chatting about changing something because there must be change or they will lose their high paying jobs.

The latest change to my email now involves Twitter and Face Book.  I have heard of these things but I don’t use them.  My son has attempted to get me on Face Book as he uses it quite frequently and seems to like it for reasons I do not understand.  His mother and he use it.  But, you know if you want to communicate with someone you email, snail mail (new name for postal mail), or phone them.  Oh yes included in all of this e-stuff is texting. 

Texting is something else I do not do and in fact I have blocked it from my cell phone.  Every now and then I would get a text message from someone I did not know nor did I want to know.  And, it costed me money!  I do not understand the advantage of texting someone unless it is to commit a type of subterfuge which I have unfortunately witnessed with my granddaughter.  I have written about this before but it bears repeating.

I was asked by her father, my son, that it would be nice to take your granddaughter to lunch so you could chat and get to know each other better.  I could not have agreed more about the latter thoughts for I live several hours away and see them a couple of times a year. So, with that threatening reminder of what I should do as a grandfather I did just that and I was looking forward to it.

So we got in the car to go to the restaurant when immediately she pulled out her I-phone and began to text a message to her boy friend. Well so much for our conversation as we drove to the restaurant.  But, I thought when we got to where we were going to eat the promised conversation would begin.  Wrong, she texted with her phone ‘hidden’ under the table as if I did not know what was happening.  I am old but I am not completely stupid about these e-things.

So back to Twitter and Face Book oh I forgot another one named Linkedin.  Linkedin is another social network e-thing which I did not know existed until a friend contacted me using Linkedin. My friend who is of mature age, not really old, was using it and she wanted to contact me, so why not so I clicked on.  I saw her the next day and she told me that this Linkedin thing was a mistake.  Well, too late I was suddenly bombarded by Linkedin informing me that all these people some were friends wanting to contact me, of course using their social network.

I felt used and abused because my privacy was invaded by some communication network I did not know anything about.  I suppose I should have responded to each of my friends who were so excited about contacting me but I just deleted those messages. And, all future messages from Linkedin was flagged to be placed in my spam folder where once a week or so I delete them with a big smile on my face.  Oh yes the word ‘folder’ in this e-world always amuses me.  To me the word ‘folder’ is some hard brown paper thing used to hold more paper things on a subject in a file cabinet.

If someone wants to contact me then give me a phone call.  All of those names which I recognized have my phone number. Just give a call, I’m usually home or leave a message on my answering service or try my cell phone.  I have a cell phone but I rarely use it.  I try to take it with me when I go someplace but I usually forget it.  But, I must admit the cell phone is a great invention if it is not abused such as talking on it while driving. 

Certainly everyone knows that using these e-things while driving is a dangerous habit, especially texting.  Many times I have been following a car which is obviously under less than optimum control.  In fact, sometimes I think the driver is drunk!  As, I pass cautiously for they are driving rather slow I always try to look at the driver who is either on a cell phone or looking down as they are texting.

My son uses the cell phone while he is driving, in fact I don’t think he can drive if he is not using it.  Regarding these practices some states have them illegal.  Even Texas which is just emerging from the Dark Ages of social norms has cell phone use in School Zones illegal.  This law is based on the known facts that driving is compromised while talking on a cell phone.  So, why isn’t it illegal to use a cell phone all of the time when driving like many states such as California and New York?  I guess the answer is we don’t want to kill kids but adults are fair game.

Something else has interested me about a change which occurred within the last couple of decades.  It is a change but not really for it was around when I was a little kid in the 1930's.  Yes, it was ordering things via postal mail you know using the Sears Roebuck catalog. In fact there were two catalogs, the other was Montgomery Wards.

On my, what a God send those catalogs were to my family.  We lived in the northwest corner of South Dakota near a little town called Newell.  It did not have any department store so when you wanted something like that you had to order it from a catalog.  I remember getting my first bicycle through one of these catalogs for Christmas one year.  It was in the late 30’s so I must have been about 7 years old. The one my folks had ordered cost $15 but they were out of that model so they sent me a larger fancier one which cost $25 at the same lower price. My dad had to put wooden blocks on the pedals so I could reach them.

Suddenly ordering by mail disappeared and we stopped getting our new annual Sears (someone got rid of Roebuck) or Wards (Montgomery had been dropped) catalogs.  Now we are doing the same thing but over the web and it is a new convenient exciting major retail format! Everybody is buying stuff over the web!!! Why is the web so different from a printed catalog? So how things change but in many ways not really.

I close this longer than usual essay with my surprise today to find a new format for my bank e-statement.  I hate bank e-statements.  I know it is supposed to save paper (‘go green’ is the sign on the bank wall which is good for the environment), but does it really?  I guess the envelop it was mailed in is not used but the e-statement I print at home is like the one that was printed by the bank, so where is the big paper savings?  Oh yes, the big ‘green’ saving for the bank is the cost of postage!

Unaware that I have a new format to conquer with my bank e-statement I type in the ‘user name’ and my ‘pass word’.  Of course what pops us is ‘what is the name of your best friend?’ So, I type that in and it comes back that the name I used is incorrect.  I am puzzled for I use the same name for years.  But, what irritates me the most is why have the ‘user name’ and ‘pass word’ if what it really needs is my best friend’s name?

So, I am puzzled that it did not accept his name.  I am confused and angry for I know that is the correct name.  I think of other names but none make any sense.  Once again in desperation I retype in his name and there is my e-statement!  What had happened?  Had I somehow missed some case-sensitive thing?  Now there is another irritating thing some idiot dreamed up and that is this case-sensitive requirement – oh but not always!!!!!

Now I have my December e-statement in front of me but the format has changed.  What should I do to simply get my bank statement to appear on my computer screen so I can print it out and balance my check book? I click on several icons attempting to get my bank statement to magically appear.  Again, I am frustrated for there are no instructions on using this new format.  Finally, I click on the number of the account and there it is on my computer screen waiting to be printed.  I now print it instead of the bank.  Wow…
